TeamManila Hit List: The Cheesiest Pick-up Lines

Today we celebrate our hearts no matter what state it is in – happy, sad, weathered, or confused, a Filipino’s dedication when it comes to loving and celebrating the person special to us is just one of a kind. And when the going gets tough, it’s just natural for us to combat this with humor even if it means being over the ceiling cheesy.

We may call it corny or even baduy but let’s admit that pick-up lines never fail to make us smile. They aren’t for everyone but they still bring silly smirks in our faces that explain how easy-going and whimsical Filipinos are. Share a smile for everyone, they say.

So for the premiere of our newest feature we call TeamManila Hit List, we bring you the cheesiest pick-up lines that have made us go “ngee” and “aww” at the same time. Now, it’s your choice if you’d like to tell your special someone these lines. Enjoy and Happy Valentine’s Day!

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