Hitlist Articles

TeamManila Hitlist: What Watawat? A Guide to the Philippine Flag
Hitlist · June 15, 2015Do you know that aside from Philippine Independence, we also celebrate the Philippine Flag every June 12? On the declaration of our Independencia in 1898, the Philippine Flag was flown for the first time in Kawit, Cavite by Emilio Aguinaldo thus commemorating the memorial piece of…

TeamManila Hitlist: Paboritong Palamig
Hitlist · June 9, 2015The season’s starting to get cooler but occasional heat waves still set in. We just can’t deny the country’s tropical weather where sun and rain plays together. But that’s all right as long as we have an umbrella and a delicious palamig in hand – something…

TeamManila Hitlist: Why You Shouldn’t Miss Our 10th Year
Events, Hitlist · May 5, 2015This week marks a bang as we celebrate 10 years of TeamManila at the Trinoma Activity Center. The TeamManila 10 Years: A Decade of Celebrating Philippine Culture kicked off last Monday, May 4 and will be ongoing until May 8. If you haven’t checked it out…

TeamManila Hitlist: Hidden Katipunan Facts
Hitlist · April 27, 2015We all know that Andres Bonifacio led the Katipunan and that the society’s short form is KKK. We also know that it led to the outbreak of the Filipino revolution and that its members are called Katipuneros. But what do we don’t know about this secret…

TeamManila Hitlist: Let’s Talk About Escolta
Hitlist · April 24, 2015Downtown in Manila is a historic street that’s home to the finest and oldest buildings in our country. Derived from the Spanish word “escoltar” meaning “to escort,”, Escolta was established in 1954 as a centre for Chinese, European, and Latin American trades. The barters may be…

TeamManila Hitlist: See Baguio this Summer
Hitlist · April 1, 2015The sun is getting higher and the temperature warmer. We can already feel summer and we can’t help but plan our getaways this early. Some may opt for the beach while others go hop out of the country. While for some, an adventure in the mountains…

TeamManila Hitlist: Bring Your Bikes Outside
Hitlist · March 13, 2015With its multiple advantages, biking has always been a trend in the Philippines. A great reason to exercise and see the sights around, biking does a great deal on maintaining our environment’s cleanliness by keeping traffic and smoke belching at bay. It sure is amazing how…

TeamManila Hitlist: Acronyms of Love
Hitlist · February 25, 2015Filipinos are witty, that’s a given fact. We turn business names (ever heard of Mang Inasar?) into puns, current affairs into hilarious memes and create fun out of unusual taxi names. It’s in our culture and it’s something we slightly take pride of. Sure it’s not…

TM Hit List: Local Spots to See 2015
Hitlist · January 28, 2015There are 7,107 islands in the Philippines and nobody has seen it all. With so many wonderful places to visit in our country, where should your next destination be? Would you like to dive underwater, hike a mountain high, or just relax at the beach? Whatever…

TeamManila Hit List: Our Favorite Pinoy Rock Album Covers from the 70s to 90s
Art + Design, Hitlist · October 28, 2014Imagine a world without scanners, high-tech pens, or Adobe Photoshop … Now imagine having to work on an album cover for your most favourite band in the whole world. How is that possible? Will you even be able to create something good? Now, don’t you panic…